Driving under the influence is a serious offense that can land you into severe problems. You may lose your driving license, pay hefty fines, or end up in jail. Whether you are a heavy drinker or occasionally drink, you may find yourself drinking under the influence. If you find yourself in that situation, what next? How can you ensure you lessen the penalties as much as possible and not end up in jail?
The best thing to do will be to hire a DUI lawyer like Bryan R. Kazarian. This type of lawyer is knowledgeable and experienced in DUI law and can protect your legal rights. But with so many DUI lawyers available today, hiring one can be pretty challenging. Here are the top questions you need to ask the DUI lawyer you intend to hire.
1. Do you specialize in DUI law?
When hiring a DUI lawyer for your case, hiring one specializing in DUI law is advisable. Many general practice lawyers usually practice DUI. But working with such a lawyer for your case may not be a smart move. One that specializes in DUI law would be an ideal fit.
That’s because such a lawyer has advanced training and certification in DUI law, providing them with more unique and specific knowledge to argue your case.
2. What is your experience level?
One of the most significant questions you need to ask a DUI lawyer before you hire them is their experience level. Experience matters when it comes to law. That’s why you must hire an experienced DUI lawyer if you want a positive outcome for your DUI case.
To gauge the lawyer’s experience level, you need to know how long they have been in practice. The longer the lawyer has been in practice, the more experienced they are.
3. What is your success rate in DUI cases?
You shouldn’t just focus on the experience part alone; you should also ask about the success rates of the lawyer’s cases. Remember that a DUI lawyer may be highly experienced in DUI cases, but it won’t be worth hiring them if they don’t have a high success rate.
A lawyer with higher success rates in DUI cases can provide you with the confidence and assurance you need that the case will have a positive outcome. If the lawyer isn’t open to discussing his success rate, that’s a red flag you shouldn’t ignore because it can cost you in the long run.
4. What are your strategies for defending DUI cases?
When hiring a DUI lawyer for your DUI case, you must understand their strategy to defend it. Of course, this will help you understand how they will defend you in court. A knowledgeable and experienced DUI lawyer must have a clear and effective strategy to defend your case, and they should be able to explain it to you in simple language you can comprehend.
5. What are your legal fees?
Finally, you need to ask the DUI lawyer about their legal fees. DUI cases can be costly, so you must know how much you may spend on the case. This way, you can determine if you can afford the lawyer. Ask about fees, including any additional costs like court fees. If the lawyer can’t disclose their pricing, seek another lawyer.