Laser treatments have long been widely used by beauticians and dermatologists to smooth wrinkles; now research reveals why the treatments work. Susanna Dams, Ph.D., describes the process in her biomedical engineering doctoral dissertation for Eindhoven University of Technology. The principle of laser therapy involves introducing heat under the skin with precision.
Dams first tested the effect of heat on cell cultures by giving them heat shocks of 113 degrees and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without a laser, to exclude possible effects generated by the laser light. Next, she conducted similar tests on pieces of excised human skin. Finally, she heated pieces of skin with a laser. The results showed that the heat shocks led to increased production of collagen—a crucial factor in natural skin rejuvenation that declines after the age of 25, causing wrinkles to form and skin to sag.
The best rejuvenation effect in Dams’ research resulted from a heat shock of 113 degrees lasting eight to 10 seconds; her work further showed that just two seconds at the higher temperature damages skin cells. For those that are taking far too many medications, it could be interfering with the acid and bacteria balances we need in our stomachs for optimum health.
In addition, many prescription medications interfere with our cell’s natural ability to absorb nutrients. As a result, while treating one issue, could actually be sabotaging your body’s efforts to gain the nutrition you need from your food. IV Nutrition is a safe way to address a wide variety of micronutrient defi ciencies, and a much more effective method to ensure optimal absorption of nutrients into our bloodstream. Micronutrient deficiencies can result in a number of physiologic symptoms, including (but not limited to) chronic fatigue, unexplained tremors and twitches, hair loss and brittle nails.
Another interesting factoid – IV Therapy can be quite effective in reducing wound infection, bruising and swelling prior to surgery and greatly increasing healing times following surgery. There are several different types of IV Therapy, and it is important to become educated on the options available.