Watch the best videos on khanflix-com, the new website that offers free streaming movies. Khanflix is the leading website for all your movie and TV download needs. It has thousands of movies and TV shows available in its database. Watch movies, TV shows and music videos on khanflix online. Here is a quick guide to khanflix.
Hit us with your order of khanflix and you will get a free movie like “I, Robot” or “The Informant!” Or perhaps you want to see a new movie about The Fast and furious series; “The Fast and Furious” with Vin Diesel and Tyrese Gibson. There are so many hit movies and TV shows on khanflix, you will never run out of options. Just pick the movie of your choice and you are ready to stream it live-action on your PC, laptop or iPhone as soon as it becomes available in the Khanflix online store.
This month, we will be focusing on the new animated series “Khan On.” This is the first half hour special made by Yahoo! and FX Networks in HD. Starring Academy Award winner Kevin Hart, this one hour special will air on June 14, 2015. It’s written and directed by Justin Lin and produced by Greg Garcia, Chase Gould and Peter Jackson.
We will also discuss our khanflix picks for the second half of the year, which includes the second installment of the Harry Potter film franchise, “HP.” Next up, we will discuss the second season of the hit fantasy show, The Lord of the Rings. And finally, we will talk about our khanflix picks for the next two movies in the Avatar series, The Last Airbender and Rise of the Planet of Men. By the time you have finished reading this article, I’m sure you will know which khanflix movies are coming up on our lists.
Our main topic this month is the new khanflix series based on the works of James Bond. Since we are discussing Bond here, let me just mention two movies that should be considered Bond related, which are Casino Royale and Never Kill a Messenger. Casino Royale starred Daniel Craig as Bond and was directed by Guy Ritchie. It was a very popular movie and did not do well at the box office. However, it was the best Bond movie since Sean Connery’s classic Goldfinger.
Not much has happened yet with the new khanflix series, but we should expect lots more movies from the director, Jennifer Lopez, about her character, Jasmine, and her relationship with Bond. One thing we can say about the new movies from Jennifer Lopez is that they will be great. And who knows, maybe we will even get to see an all live action Jasmine in the future, because that seems to be part of her character’s plans right now.