Biochemistry is actually the application of chemistry for studying biological processes at cellular and molecular levels. Biochemistry emerged like a discipline at the beginning of the 20th century, as scientists combined physiology, chemistry, and biology in order to investigate the chemistry of living systems and living organisms.
Biochemistry is both chemical science and life science studied together, and it explores the chemistry of living beings, and the molecular basis for the changes that occur within living cells. It used the methods of all subjects – physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and immunology – for studying the behavior and structure of complex molecules that are found in biological beings and the way in which these molecules interact and form cells, tissues, and an entire organism.
Biochemistry has become the very foundation to understand biological processes. It provides explanations and the causes of many diseases and conditions in animals, plants, and humans.
Biochemists are interested in understanding the mechanisms of cellular differentiation, multiplication, brain function, communication within the cells and other organs, as well as the chemical bases of disease and inheritance.
A biochemist seeks to determine how certain molecules, like proteins, vitamins, lipids, nucleic acids, and hormones function in living beings. They put particular emphasis on the chemical reactions and their regulations inside living cells.
As biochemistry actively unravels and studies the complex chemical reactions that occur in a wide range of life forms, it provides the base for all practical advances in medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, veterinary medicine, etc. It includes and underlies even newer fields of studies like molecular genetics, bioengineering, etc.
As the broadest of the basic sciences, biochemistry includes many subspecialties such as neurochemistry, bioorganic chemistry, clinical biochemistry, physical biochemistry, molecular genetics, biochemical pharmacology, and immunochemistry. Recent advances in these areas have created links among technology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry.
The methods and knowledge that are developed by biochemists are widely applied in many fields of medicine, in health and chemical industries, in agriculture, and a lot more avenues. MSc Biochemistry also provides teaching and research opportunities in areas like genetic engineering, protein structure, etc.
Biochemistry being the broadest of basic sciences has many sub-specialties like neurochemistry, clinical biochemistry, physical biochemistry, molecular genetics, immunology, biochemical pharmacology, etc. Recent advances in these fields have created connections among biochemistry, chemical engineering, and technology.